          Hi-Tech Geo-Science Software > > Teknica Teknica, a Canadian-based software development and consulting company, uses the Empress database management system as a common gateway which unites various modules of its state-of-the-art geo-science software. Through a common data network managed by Empress, the modules behind Teknica's software solution, called Seislog Plus, provide an integrated application for geoscientists. The data residing in Empress databases define a specific geographic region as a particular prospect. For each prospect, information is organized as groups of tables, pointers and data sets. Each of Teknica's powerful application modules, layered on top of underlying Empress databases, provides a specific functionality for geoscientists. For instance, the mapping module can display and plot to hard copy all of the information that is stored as objects in a prospect database. These objects include world wide grid coordinate systems, well and seismic line locations, and postings of well picks. Once these objects are displayed, they can also be manipulated via a wide range of data manipulation operations available. Other application modules include 2D and 3D Seismic Interpretation modules, and a Cross Section module for the evaluation of well location maps.
-Rajiv Sharma
The Empress implementation by Teknica consists of a library of database routines written as embedded SQL functions within C programs that are compiled into a static link library. The functions in this common library are callable by any one of the application modules. Seislog Plus is one of several geo-science software applications available through Teknica. Teknica plans to continue to use Empress for all of its UNIX-based development. " Through the years, Empress has continued to overcome many technical challenges for us and continually improve its product to meet our requirements." -Rajiv Sharma |