          ThrottleBox Rocks with Empress > > SpectraNet - ThrottleBox The Internet can serve as a powerful tool in showcasing the capabilities of software applications. To demonstrate the potential of ThrottleBox, SpectraNet's recent application, the company created an entertaining and informative web site developed with the Empress RDBMS   running on Linux. ThrottleBox consists of a Web-based, multimedia ThrottleBox Player which plays Box files, the player's unique file format. The player acts like an all-in-one text and image browser, television and VCR. A front-end graphical user interface, with control buttons like a VCR, makes it simple to use.
Currently, SpectraNet provides the downloadable ThrottleBox Player and music video Box files on its web site. The Empress RDBMS manages a variety of information that feeds data into the ThrottleBox web site. The site exploits one of the key strengths of the Empress RDBMS: the ability to handle large amounts of data with speed. All the information required for downloading Box files on the web site is managed by the Empress RDBMS. This includes album titles and descriptions, and runtime data. In addition, all biographical and promotional information about featured musical artists is stored by Empress. For internal purposes, demographic data is also stored when users register for a ThrottleBox Player. SpectraNet's choice to use the Empress RDBMS was largely based on the development team's previous positive experience using Empress's products. Empress's low cost was an added plus point. SpectraNet provides users with the ability to create their own Box files as well via the ThrottleBox Assembly Tool Gold package. Text , audio files, images and MPEG videos can all be laid-out to custom build Box files. ThrottleBox exemplifies how the Empress RDBMS's capabilities can be well-utilized to create inventive, database-fed Web pages that can serve as an interesting arena to promote products. |