Product Functionality
Empress Embedded Database engine is the heartbeat of EMPRESS RDBMS, a relational database management system specializing in embedded database technology – from car navigation systems to mission critical military command and control, from Internet routers to complex medical systems, EMPRESS beats steadily, 24/7 at the core of embedded systems applications everywhere. Empress Layered Architecture allows database access at 4 Levels for developer trade-off between low-level system optimization and rapid prototyping. Empress kernel level mr API is a unique feature of Empress that gives users access to the Embedded Database kernel libraries. This Empress API provides the fastest means of accessing Empress databases. MR Routines give the developer maximum control over time and space in developing real-time embedded database applications. The Empress C/C++ API Embedded SQL is an ANSI standard SQL interface. Empress Embedded SQL Interface is well suited for usage in real-time embedded database applications. Empress ODBC and JDBC APIs applications to access Empress databases in both standalone and client/server mode. Empress ODBC and JDBC APIs enable many 3rd party ODBC and JDBC capable software packages to access a local Empress database or via Empress Connectivity Server. Via the Empress ADO.Net Data Provider, .Net developers can access the rich functionality of the Empress relational database management system including different .NET framework programming languages such as C++, C# or Visual Basic (VB), local database access for true embedded applications, and support for multiple languages via Unicode. An Empress database may be accessed Via a variety of Web technologies, such as Java Server Pages (JSP), PHP scripting language, or Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) in conjunction with Empress ODBC or JDBC Interfaces. The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is another mechanism that allows Web servers to execute Empress database programs and incorporate their output into the text, graphics, and audio sent to a Web browser. Empress Product Features
Empress Embedded Database Key Benefits
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